Administrative Law Employment Hearing Appeals Representation

EEOC and Employment Administrative Appeals Process: 40 Tex. Admin. Code § 819.42.

Our representatives will provide services during and under 40 Tex. Admin. Code § 819.42 employment appeals hearing(s).

We Help Employers Make Smart Decisions About Using Social Media for Human Resources Management

Social media platforms can be powerful tools for human resources departments. When combined with the power of artificial intelligence (AI), social human resources management (SHRManagement) offers unique opportunities for companies to find and connect with job candidates, understand their employees’ wants and needs, and communicate their policies and achievements to their workforces and the world at large.

But, as with all forms of technology, using social media and AI for business purposes has legal implications—and this is perhaps nowhere more true than in the world of human resources. As a result, companies need to take an informed approach to SHRManagement, and they need to ensure that their human resources teams have the policies, procedures, and training they need to implement SHRManagement effectively.

How We Help Companies with SHRManagement

We help companies with all aspects of SHRManagement. Whether your company currently uses social media for recruitment and employee communication or is interested in implementing social media into your company’s human resources operations, we can guide you forward. Our SHRManagement for small and mid-size employers includes:

SHRManagement Risk Assessments

Since we provide custom-tailored SHRManagement legal counsel to small and mid-size employers, our work starts with a SHRManagement risk assessment. We will examine your company’s current social media and AI practices and policies (if any) to determine your company’s needs. If your company is not yet using any form of SHRManagement, we will evaluate its current traditional recruitment and human resources practices and policies to determine what changes are necessary to make the switch to SHRManagement.

SHRManagement Policies and Procedures

We develop a wide range of SHRManagement policies and procedures for our clients. Different companies have different needs—both in terms of necessary policies and the contents of those policies—and we tailor our clients’ documentation accordingly. Some examples of the types of policies and procedures we draft for our clients include:

  • The company’s use of social media for recruitment and human resources management
  • The company’s use of social media for employee communications
  • Employees’ use of social media
  • Employees’ use of AI onsite and remotely
  • Privacy and other necessary policies for remote employees

Again, these are just examples. When you engage our firm as your company’s SHRManagement counsel, we will work with you to determine exactly what policies and procedures your company needs to manage its risks effectively.

SHRManagement Training

Along with developing SHRM policies and procedures, we also conduct training programs for our clients at all levels of their organizations. We advise senior executives and human resources managers on implementing SHRManagement effectively, and we educate middle managers and individual contributors on their responsibilities as the company’s employees.

SHRManagement Guidance and Advice

We also provide our clients with guidance and advice on effective SHRManagement on an ongoing basis. We are available to our clients when they have questions, and by becoming familiar with our clients’ operations, we are able to identify risks and make proactive recommendations focused on their specific opportunities and needs.