The eyes of the LORD range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him. 2 Chronicles 16:9

Rick Alexander is a native of Norfolk, Virginia. He spent his primary years in Houston, Texas. He initially attended Texas A&M University at College Station on an athletic scholarship and went on to compete professionally in track and field. He later attended and graduated from Texas A&M University School of Law, class of 2023. Rick has worked as a law clerk and continues to advance his education and professional aspirations.
His primary focus is A|I Legal Dispute Resolution Center, enabling him to successfully guide clients with knowledge and understanding through the laws of both Texas and California. Rick’s sharp attention to detail also allows him to spot issues and patterns in risk and compliance cases, giving his clients a competitive edge over their opponents. For almost 20 years, Rick has worked tirelessly to adhere to his client’s compliance risk management and framework, reducing all risk and saving six- and seven-figure settlements for his clients.